still room (18th century n.)
a special place used for the preparation, distillation and storage of herbs, roots and flowers. It was in the still room that knowledge of these vital arts were passed from one generation to the next.
Homestead Herbalism
The Herbal Medicine Cookbook
My very first book, shared from years of stirring the pot in my own home kitchen and herbal classroom!
- *Discover how to utilize foods as medicine, the tastes and energetics of common herbs in every day cooking, my favorite kitchen tools and what you’ll need to get started.
- *75 Seasonal Recipes for breakfast, soups and salads, main dishes, snacks and sides, condiments, beverages, and sweet treats.
- *The “Condiments” chapter includes recipes to make ahead and stock your pantry: Basic herb-infused bone-broth, vinegars, shrubs, syrups, honeys, butters and pastes *30+ herb profiles for quick reference on taste, best preparation methods, and healing properties. 200 pages
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